Summer Sandwich and All Natural Makeup Remover!

Hello friends!

Now that we have finally had our housewarming party, things should start to slow down a little… I hope!

This is going to be a pretty quick and to the point post!

This is going to be your new go-to summer sandwich! It’s so simple and can’t be beat!

I have found in the 7 months being vegan that I don’t really care for vegan cheese that isn’t melted. Vegan cheese right out of the package is down right disgusting in my opinion. I also feel just as strongly about the vegan substitute meat. Like the “ham” for sandwiches and such? YUCK! So this is for those of you that feel the same way but still love a good sandwich that showcases all those amazing summertime veggies!


  • Any bread you like. At the moment we have homemade rolls that my mom’s friend made for our housewarming party. Talk about a carb lovers heaven!!!
  • Enough cucumbers to layer on the bottom of your sandwich
  • Enough tomatoes to layer on top of the cucumbers
  • Mayo
  • Sriracha
  • Agave

The pictures aren’t great… Sorry 😦

You can use any other veggies you want, this is just the delicious combo we’ve come up with on the run. The sriracha and agave mixed together are such a wonderful combination that I never would have expected to be so amazing. J made this for me the first time and I took a bite and I honestly couldn’t even place the flavors. It had a little sweetness that I really wasn’t expecting and a tinge of spicy from the sriracha. It is phenomenal! I have actually eaten one every day for the past 3 days….


Allie’s Tips and Tricks:

If you are looking for a new makeup remover, you’re sick of all the chemicals and actually want to do something really nice for your skin, use coconut oil! About a teaspoon of coconut oil into a bowl or coffee mug and microwave it for 30 seconds. Use a cotton ball and wipe your makeup right off. No more stinging and burning from your chemical filled makeup wipes.

I hope y’all are enjoyed this post and I hope you give the coconut oil a try! It’s great! I hope you are enjoying the great weather! We were finally able to get into the pool this weekend! It was still a little cold but amazing! I love summer and can’t wait for more adventures! Until next time!

xoxo, Allie

P.s This was the amazing breakfast J made me for Mother’s Day. Paper plates and roses included 🙂


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